Akşener’s first comment on the 15 MPs
Good Party General Chair Meral Akşener has commented on fifteen CHP members of parliament joining the Good Party.
A group of CHP parliamentarians including CHP Deputy General Chair and Party Spokesperson Bülent Tezcan and Group Deputy Chairs Özgür Özel and Engin Özkoç came to Good Party headquarters and convened with Good Party General Chair Meral Akşener.
Akşener, arguing that there was an effort to exclude the Good Party from the elections and this was tantamount to an attack on democracy, made the assessment, “No amount of admiration suffices for the stance that the CHP and its esteemed General Chair Mr Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu have taken by way of surmounting this obstacle that has been placed in the way of the law and the will of the people. It is a historic democratic stance. It will take its place in our political and democratic history with praise.”
Making a written statement following her meeting with the CHP delegation, Good Party General Chair Meral Akşener, noting that the effort to exclude the Good Party from the elections was an assault on democracy, said the following:
“No amount of admiration suffices for the stance that the CHP and its esteemed General Chair Mr Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu have taken by way of surmounting this obstacle that has been placed in the way of the law and the will of the people. It is a historic democratic stance. It will take its place in our political and democratic history with praise. The bandits of power place obstacles and we surmount these obstacles trusting in the support of our people. God will thwart all the traps”
Akşener'den 15 vekil için ilk açıklama
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