Halted by the AKP
Chief prosecutor Bayrakdar, who was conducting an effective FETO investigation, sidelined
In a decree on chief prosecutors covering 16 people, the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors has removed Tokat Chief Prosecutor Erdoğan Bayrakdar, who was investigating FETO’s civil service formation, from his post. It has been learned that 50 of the 130 sub-provincial governors arrested at Bayrakdar’s orders have turned informant and he was preparing a large operation.
The investigation into sub-provincial governors found to have obtained exam questions in advance was said to have been opposed by Interior Minister Soylu. Had Bayraktar, who was appointed as a Court of Cassation prosecutor, remained in his post, he would have investigated the sub-provincial governate appointments for the 99th period.
The Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors has assigned Ankara Republic Chief Prosecutor Harun Kodalak to the Court of Cassation as an ordinary prosecutor. It has been learnt that instrumental in the ousting of Kodalak, once the government’s darling for having ‘whitewashed’ the Lighthouse corruption affair, was his attempt to call Intelligence Agency Undersecretary Fidan as a witness following 15 July and the turning of former Justice Ministry Undersecretary Erdem into a ‘witness’ and his being protected.
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