Turkey's unemployment rate down to 11.2% in Q4
Unemployment figure among aged 15 and over falls by 78,000 quarter-on-quarter, official data shows
Turkey's unemployment rate stood at 11.2% in the fourth quarter of 2021, down 0.5 percentage points from the previous quarter, according to official figures released on Tuesday.
The number of unemployed people aged 15 and over fell to 3.7 million this October-December, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) said in a statement.
The employment rate came in at 46.7% or 29.92 million people, up 740,000 persons in the fourth quarter of 2021, compared to the previous quarter.
"The seasonally adjusted labor force participation rate realized as 52.6% with a 0.8 percentage point increase," TurkStat said.
The youth unemployment rate – age 15-24 – was 21.4%, down 0.8% quarter-on-quarter, and the youth employment rate was 33.7%, up 1 percentage points.
"The weekly average actual working hours of those at work increased by 0.5 hours compared to the previous quarter and became 44.8 hours," TurkStat said.
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