Final decree expected to bring mass public service expulsions
Large numbers of public employees have been expelled under Decree with the Force of Law number 700. It has been learnt that a large number of public employees in the Turkish Armed Forces and other state institutions are on the expulsion list. However, the expulsion Decree with the Force of Law has yet to be promulgated in the Official Gazette. The list is expected to be promulgated in the repeat edition.

With provision made for the swearing-in procedures for the President, his deputies and ministers through Decree with the Force of Law No 699 that was promulgated close to midnight, it has been learnt that a large number of public employees with ties to FETO have been expelled under Decree with the Force of Law No 700. Of the expellees under the expulsion decree expected to be promulgated today, 9013 are said to be from the General Directorate of Security. A large number of public servants from state institutions, chiefly the Turkish Armed Forces, are also said to have been expelled.
Prior to the system that is to be newly implemented, there was great public interest as to whether the final Decree with the Force of Law had been promulgated in the Official Gazette. In fact, important announcements concerning the state of emergency and decrees with the force of law were forthcoming from Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım. Stressing that the state of emergency would be lifted on 28 July 2018 and would not be re-extended, he indicated that a Decree with the Force of Law would be issued for a final time. In conjunction with this, he intimated when the final Decree with the Force of Law would be promulgated, pointing to 6 July 2018, that is, today. Finally, answers as to whether the expulsion list from the Turkish Armed Forces has taken shape and who will be expelled from which institution will come in the form of the final Decree with the Force of Law to be promulgated. The Decree with the Force of Law is expected to see the expulsion of more than ten thousand people for FETO ties from the General Directorate of Security and other state institutions, principally the Turkish Armed Forces, and important new counterterrorism regulations.
Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım has made statements to the effect that the new Decree with the Force of Law number 699 to be promulgated for the final time in the Official Gazette will be promulgated tonight. He also intimated that those to be expelled for FETO ties would predominantly be from the Turkish Armed Forces and police.
Information has been obtained that Decree with the Force of Law number 699 that has been approved by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will be promulgated in the Official Gazette tonight. By virtue of the new Decree with the Force of Law to be promulgated for the last time staff determined to have FETO ties will be expelled from the police and Turkish Armed Forces. However, following the announcement emanating from Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım that expulsions would be made from the Turkish Armed Forces, police and other state institutions, the Official Gazette website has been inundated with visitors. With the number of simultaneous visitors to the Official Gazette website exceeding a hundred thousand, the system crashed. Some time later, the warning was then displayed on the site that came back into operation: “Publishing Work on Today’s Official Gazette Continues.”
Contained in Decree with the Force of Law number 699 are regulations for the transition to the Presidential Government system. Under the decree, amendment was made to the Presidential Election Law. Fresh provision has been made for the swearing-in procedure in the new system for the President, his deputies and ministers.
Accordingly, the record compiled nominating the elected President will be given by the Parliamentary Speaker or Temporary Speaker in the general assembly of parliament and the swearing-in ceremony will take place at the same session. This session will be held within three days as of the first day on which parliament convenes following the presidential and parliamentary elections that are held together.
If the President is elected in a second round of voting or only the presidential election is held, the swearing-in ceremony will be conducted within three days of finalisation of the election results. If parliament is not in session it will be convened immediately.
The deputy presidents and ministers appointed by the President will be sworn-in on the day following their appointment.
The articles making amendments in the Decree with the Force of Law which are preceded by the wording, “It was resolved by the Cabinet on 14/6/2018 based on the powers vested by Law number 7142 dated 10/5/2018 to amend the Presidential Election Law so as to achieve harmonisation with amendments made to the Constitution” are as follow:
ARTICLE 1 - The following sentence has been appended to Article 20 of the Presidential Election Law number 6271 dated 19/1/2012.
“This record shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly to be given to the President.”
ARTICLE 2 - Article 21 of Law number 6271 along with its heading has been amended as follows.
“Swearing-in ceremony
ARTICLE 21 – (1) The record compiled nominating the elected President shall be given by the Speaker or Temporary Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly at the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the swearing-in ceremony shall be conducted at the same session. This session shall be held will within three days as of the first day on which parliament convenes following the presidential and parliamentary elections that are held together.
(2) If the President is elected in a second round of voting or only the presidential election is held, the swearing-in ceremony shall be conducted within three days of finalisation of the election results. If the Turkish Grand National Assembly is not in session it shall be convened immediately.
(3) The deputy presidents and ministers appointed by the President shall be sworn-in on the day following their appointment.”
ARTICLE 3 – This Decree with the Force of Law shall come into effect on the date of its promulgation.
ARTICLE 4 - This Decree with the Force of Law shall be enforced by the Cabinet.
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