Şener names those who accompanied Erdoğan on US visits
CHP Konya parliamentary candidate Abdüllatif Şener has spoken about Muharrem İnce’s claim that President Erdoğan obtained permission from Fethullah Gülen at the AKP’s formation stage.
CHP Konya parliamentary candidate Abdüllatif Şener has said that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan went to the USA both at the AKP’s formation stage and later, but he did not have information as to who he spoke to. With regard to his being fielded as a candidate, Şener commented, “The CHP decision-making organs felt this to be appropriate for Konya. I am thus not the decision maker.”
One of the AKP’s founders and former deputy prime minister, Abdüllatif Şener, has started campaigning in Konya where he is a parliamentary candidate for the CHP. Abdüllatif Şener replied to DHA’s questions. On his being fielded as a candidate in Konya, Abdüllatif Şener, who originally hails from Sivas, commented, “I notified the CHP of my application to be an MP. The CHP decision-making organs felt this to be appropriate for Konya. I am thus not the decision maker. Konya is a structure whose problems have long been of close interest to me for the duration of my political life and whose MPs I have had close involvement with, with them having constantly referred Konya-related matters to me. I am also happy to be its parliamentary candidate.”
Noting that he had been greeted with great interest by voters in Konya, Şener said, “There is very intense interest. There is a response of the intensity that every party member will encounter in all periods.”
Stating that they as the CHP were targeting four seats in Konya, commented, “I say, based on the interest we are currently experiencing, we are targeting four seats. I think we will succeed. Interest just now is well above the figure I have just given. However, interest and voting are different things. We have set our target with this in mind.”
Recalling that he served as state minister with responsibility for the economy and deputy prime minister between the years of 2002-2007, Abdüllatif Şener stated that he started the fast train and dual carriageway projects inside Konya.
Şener also addressed his party’s presidential candidate Muharrem İnce’s claim that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan obtained permission from Fethullah Gülen at the AKP’s formation stage. Şener, saying that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan went to the USA both at the AKP’s formation stage and later, commented as follows:
“Mr Erdoğan went to the United States of America following the founding of the AK Party. He went at the formation stage, but I have no information as to who he spoke to when he went this time or at the time he was in the USA, because he was accompanied on this programme by certain figures, most notably Abdullah Gül, and also Turan Çömez. These figures have not imparted information about such a visit. And I did not ask out of curiosity. The debate provoked by these matters today arises from the election atmosphere and this must be regarded as natural. If one person makes a claim and, if that claim is not true, the other must say that it is not so. I cannot say that Mr Erdoğan constantly went with the same figures. In his later period in power and probably in the Republic of Turkey era he has been the prime minister and president who has gone to the USA most. If you say, ‘Did he go with the same figures on the occasions he went?” I would not agree with this and there were different names on each of his programmes. But I was not on any.”
Şener also assessed the political candidates’ styles. Noting that he thought an upright political style to be beneficial, Şener said, “An abrasive, wounding style will gain nothing for our country. If politics minds its tongue and shows compassion it will inspire culture in the people in the country. Politics’ most direct effect is the culture it creates through speaking. If politics speaks harshly, if it speaks in a way that spreads spite and enmity, tension and violence will increase in society. We know that violence against women has increased. What is the source of this? Because politics are harsh, citizens take their example from them and act harshly.”
Stating that the fight against FETO had overstepped the mark, Şener said, “The state’s religion is justice. When you veer from justice, you oppress. There are around 700 babies in prison. Why should our children grow up under prison conditions? They must be got out of there.”
Arguing that the presidential election will make it into a second round, Şener commented, “The voters who determine who wins the election in the second round will be Kurdish voters. So, it is of paramount importance who they vote for. No succinct comprehensible pronouncement has emerged on this point. Certain HDP figures have spoken but this does not come down to a decision by the HDP. Once the first round has finished, all eyes will focus on the HDP and the decision they take will be discussed.”
Şener, Erdoğan'ın ABD'ye gittiğinde yanındaki isimleri açıkladı
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