Age eighteen brings no joy
The AKP’s arrangement to reduce the age for candidate MPs to 18 has backfired
There is disappointment in the AKP at the provision to reduce the age for candidate MPs to 18 placed by the AKP in the constitutional amendment package to court the votes of the young has failed to achieve the expected impact. The AKP, saying that in polls they have commissioned support for the constitutional amendment is in the 53% band, has not announced the percentage of those not in favour the age reduction to 18.
AKP top brass has concluded, ‘The age eighteen arrangement has not had the positive impact on the electorate to the extent that we expected in terms of courting overall approval for the package. This is something that we must question among ourselves.’ Another result that has defied the AKP’s calculations is the adverse reaction displayed by voters to the provision increasing the number of MPs to 600.
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