A further 330 academics, the vast majority opposition supporters, have been expelled from universities under the latest state of emergency decree with the force of law
A further 300 academics were expelled from university yesterday under a new state of emergency decree with the force of law. Of those expelled, 167 were teaching staff members who had signed the Academics for Peace declaration. The universities to lose the greatest number of scientists were Ankara University with 73 academics, Anadolu University with 28, Yıldız Technical University with 27 and Marmara University with 23.
With a large number of academics having been expelled from Ankara University, there remain no teaching staff members to give classes in many faculties. With five academics having been expelled from Theatre Department of Ankara University’s Faculty of Language and History-Geography, there remain three teachers in the acting section and one in the writing section. The University Teaching Staff Association has said, ‘The expulsions fly in the face of the concept of a university, ethical and scientific values and meritocracy.’
Students and teaching staff members of Ankara University, from which 73 academics were expelled, accompanied by members of parliament congregated at Cebeci Campus to protest against the decision. The academics and students shouted such slogans as, referring to rector Erkan İbiş [‘İbiş’ is the name of a foolish servant in a traditional popular play], ‘We will not be the Palace’s İbiş’ and ‘Rector resign.’ Chair of the Union of Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences Graduates, Erdal Eren, said, ‘We stand in solidarity with our teachers.’
Prof Dr Öget Öktem Taner: FRIGHTENING
This is a shame for Turkey’s young people. These decisions are frightening in that academics who are well trained in university education are being eliminated to be replaced by people who are not at all well trained.
Prof Dr Özdemir Aktan: I WAS NOT SURPRISED
I was not surprised, but I am upset at being taken away from my students and patients. Patients’ treatments will remain half-finished and students’ and assistants’ education will regress.
Prof Dr İbrahim Kaboğlu: HUGE DISGRACE
I was not expecting to be expelled. I have spent my life fighting against coups and against brotherhoods. All my published work has promoted the law and rule of law. It is a huge disgrace.
Prof Dr Yüksel Taşkın: PITIFUL STATE
I have no idea if we will return one day but we will fight this through legal means. The state of universities is pitiful. They say, ‘We also consider it to be wrong but there is pressure.’
Prof Dr Nur Betül Çelik: FIRE SCENE
They have turned academia into a fire scene. Both university administrations and government pressure. This will have a wave-like effect not only on one generation, but on each subsequent generation.
Assistant Professor Dr Barış Ünlü: MAFIA REGIME
Ankara University’s Rector Erkan İbiş held his hands up high. Expulsions on this scale will make things difficult for the other rectors. There is a Mafia regime. We will fight this.
Rectors, management boards and senates have been partners in this purge and shame in the course of purging teaching staff members. Let some good come of our expulsions in boosting the ‘No’ vote.
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