Four-way alliance in the offing
The alliance formula that the opposition parties running against the AKP and MHP will form is taking shape. The CHP, Good Party, Felicity Party and Democrat Party have to a large extent agreed on a four-way alliance. The protocol containing the joint principles will be submitted to party leaders today. The four-way alliances protocol will in turn be announced tomorrow.
The CHP, Good Party, Felicity Party (SP) and Democrat Party (DP) have agreed in principle on a four-way alliance. With delegations vested with full authority by the parties having negotiated in accordance with the principles, the resulting protocol is expected to be submitted to the leaders today. With the DP taking part in the election on the Good Party’s lists, it is said the other parties will contest the election using their own names and lists.
The final point has been reached in the alliance negotiations among opposition parties that have been in progress for a long time. The opposition, unable to agree on a “joint candidate,” have reached agreement in principle on a four-way alliance involving the CHP, Good Party, SP and DP. Delegations vested with “full authority” by the parties continued to negotiate last night in accordance with the principles. From what has been learnt, the principles that include the basic tenets of justice, the separation of powers, the supremacy of the law, democracy, judicial independence, an independent and impartial president and harmony, existence, unity, peace and prosperity for everyone will be included in the protocol in a form that each party has consented to and with correct definitions. The protocol will be penned in terms that embrace society. The name of the alliance is expected to be the “democracy alliance.”
DP on Good Party lists
The protocols on which the four parties’ delegations have reached agreement will be submitted to the leaders today. A ceremony is expected to be held tomorrow following approval of the protocol by the leaders. It is envisaged that the four leaders will sign the protocol at the same time and will then each make a speech at the ceremony. Following the ceremony, it is said that the protocol will be submitted to the Supreme Election Council (SEC). According to the SEC’s timetable, the final day for submission of the protocol to the SEC is 6 May.
From what has been learnt, with the CHP, SP and Good Party entering the election using their own names and lists, agreement has been reached for the DP to contest the election on Good Party lists. As such, it appears certain that DP General Chair Gültekin Uysal will also appear as a candidate on the Good Party list. It is stated that a few figures from the SP may be fielded on Good Party or CHP lists, too.
Taş may also stand
It is said that the CHP, whose goal is “justice in representation,” may field on its own lists the party chairs of parties that have threshold issues such as ÖDP General Chair Alper Taş and DSP General Chair Önder Aksakal.
The opposition’s first goal is to get at least 301 parliamentary seats in the general election and attain the majority as against the People’s Alliance. With the opposition wishing to get the majority in parliament on 24 June, it is making its plans with a view to the presidential election proceeding to a second round.
The opposition, which will gain the psychological upper hand having attained a majority in parliament, is planning, should the presidential election make it through to 8 July, for the presidential candidate who obtains most votes to be supported by all parties against Erdoğan.
The four-way alliance’s protocol will be announced tomorrow
The four parties that have agreed on an alliance will announce their protocol tomorrow, that is Thursday 3 May 2018.
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