No room for hopelessness
The new decrees with the force of law have become a tool for purging peace and freedom-loving academics. The dismissed teachers are determined to resist.
Peace-loving academics who make no secret of their opposition to the government have once more been targeted in the new decrees with the force of law. At universities, 631 teaching staff members, including the Academics for Peace, have been dismissed. The University Teaching Staff Association announced, ‘We strongly condemn the dismissal of freedom-loving, peace-seeking and progressive democratic academics from universities.’
One of those dismissed, Ankara University Faculty of Communication teaching staff member, Associate Professor Sevilay Çelenk, says that the university’s rector, Erkan İbiş is waging war on the signatories. Prof. Dr. Melek Göregenli of Ege University Psychology Department commented, ‘I will regain thirty years of my labour. There’s no room for hopelessness.’
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