Emre İper walks to freedom after 267 days
Our accounting employee Emre İper, whose phone has been proven many times not to have ByLock on it, was released on the 267th day of his detention.

Our accounting employee Emre İper, one of 11,480 people identified by Ankara Republic Chief Prosecution to have been routed involuntarily to ByLock IPs due to using programmes into which the “Purple Brain” program had been inserted, was released following the lodging of an objection.
Emre İper said, “Ahmet sends his greetings to you all” in his first comment on walking to freedom. He replied to those exhorting him to put it all behind him, “It hasn’t ended yet. Justice has not been done. There are so many people on the inside.”
Ankara Republic Chief Prosecution announced that 11,480 GSM subscribers listed as users of FETO’s clandestine communications program ByLock had been unknowingly and involuntarily routed to ByLock IPs. It was established that those who had downloaded and used the Purple Brain application included in music programs and those showing prayer and call to prayer times had been routed to ByLock servers at certain times and made to appear as if they were using ByLock. In the wake of this statement, the release was ordered of our newspaper’s accounting employee Yusuf Emre İper, who had been in detention for 267 days.
Despite İper’s persistent claims in the Cumhuriyet trial not to be a ByLock user and this being proved with experts’ reports, he has not managed to drive the point home and his release has not ensued. Certain objections have recently started to reach prosecutor’s offices over ByLock, which is accepted by the Court of Cassation as being the most important evidence for the offence of FETO membership. Certain people who are accused of using ByLock persistently claim not to have done so. Ankara Chief Prosecution, having launched an investigation into this, instructed the intelligence agency and Information and Communication Technologies Authority and asked for a detailed study to be conducted and for the matter to be investigated. In technical investigations carried out by the intelligence agency and Information and Communication Technologies Authority, findings were made that certain GSM lines determined to have had connections with the application server had been routed to the servers immediately prior to these connections by the Purple Brain application developed by FETO.
İper had been arrested on 7 April on the grounds of being a ByLock user, and was detained on 18 April. The trial filed against İper on charges of FETO membership was joined to the Cumhuriyet trial. Judicial expert Koray Peksayar, who examined İper’s phones at the request of our paper’s lawyers, concluded, “No trace was detected in the examination made of the backup taken from the phone belonging to İper of the software name ByLock having been installed or installed and deleted.” Tuncay Beşikçi, who compiled a second scientific expert opinion, also stated in his report that ByLock had not been installed on İper’s phone and had. never been used. In spite of this, Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 27 dismissed İper’s application for release citing the existence of strong suspicion of guilt. İper’s lawyers, applied for his release in a petition they drew up following Ankara Republic Chief Prosecution’s statement. Following examination of the application, the release was ordered of İper, who has been in detention for 267 days.
The study has led to the finding that FETO, in view of the likelihood that ByLock would come to light, programmed certain applications configured so that those who downloaded them would be routed to the ByLock server. It has emerged that downloaders of some ten programs, such as those that give reminders of prayer times and indicate the direction for prayer or search for songs, were routed without their awareness to the ByLock server. Some of those programs are: Best Free Music, Freezy Müzik, Bul Dinle, Freezy Play Free Music Online, Mor German English Dictionary, En Ucuz Fiyat Mor, Almanca-Türkçe Sözlük and Araba2.com.
In the one-page release order of Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 27 that ruled in favour of release, details are given of the grounds for release. It was stated that Ankara Republic Chief Prosecution’s letter with reference to ByLock had arrived marked “Very Urgent” on 28 December 2017 at the Istanbul Republic Chief Prosecution’s Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigation Bureau. It was explained that identification had been made of those non-members of FETO-PDY who had involuntarily been routed to ByLock servers by the “Purple Brain” application on their phones
It was stated in the interim ruling, in which it is noted that the people against whom investigations and prosecutions had been launched in this manner had been identified and listed, that the evidentiary circumstances pertaining to Emre İper had changed.
It was stated in the grounds for releasing İper, who had been in detention for 267 days, that a change in the evidentiary circumstances in his favour had been noted. However, it was indicated in the ruling that a ban on leaving the country had been imposed by way of release condition.
Even though our colleague Emre İper also proved with experts’ reports that he had not used the program named ByLock, he was targeted in unfounded reports in the pro-regime media and both he and Cumhuriyet newspaper were subjected to perception management operations.

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