Parallel army
Reaction from the CHP to the organisation equipped with drones, wireless, radio and arms set up by President Erdoğan’s youngest son’s father-in-law, Uzuner
CHP Group Vice Chair Engin Altay has reacted strongly to the organisation created by President Erdoğan’s youngest son’s father-in-law, Orhan Uzuner, to bring the people onto the streets at the time of any potential coup attempt and insurrection. Atalay said, ‘While harping on about a “parallel state” they are now setting up a parallel army.’
The CHP’s Barış Yarkadaş, voicing the horror with which he read about the news, said, ‘This formation should be called a parallel militia army. This group, established under Orhan Uzuner’s leadership, is clearly committing a crime. Republic prosecutors must immediately launch an investigation.
‘Silencing’ order from Uzuner
With the cat out of the bag about the armed, radio-equipped, trained group he has set up, Uzuner has passed on the order: ‘Do not comment on the news’ to his WhatsApp group. Orhan Uzuner also said in his message they he will sue us for our report.
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