A report compiled by the CHP lays bare with examples how the AKP government interferes with civil society.

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Yayınlanma: 22.03.2017 - 10:42

CHP Deputy General Chair Çetin Osman Budak has prepared a study showing how the AKP interferes with civil society. According to the report, certain trade unions have been expanded under the ruling party’s patronage and their membership has grown, while other trade unions have contracted. The allocation of resources to pro-regime foundations and associations has been made possible, while penalties rain down on opposition civil society organisations.
·         When the AKP came to power, civil servants’ union Memur-Sen had 98,000 members. Membership of Memur-Sen, known for its support of the government, has risen ten times over fifteen years. KESK and Kamu-Sen have lost members.
·         Under a decision taken by the government in 2013, ministries have been empowered to intervene in professional chambers. Ministries have begun to monitor professional chambers in administrative and financial terms.
·         Student hostels made by CHP municipalities have been given to TÜRGEV following changes in management. It has been made possible for publicly owned immovable properties to be allotted to foundations for 49 years.
Non-ruling party aligned foundations and associations that strive to enable poor children to obtain quality education have been penalised in various ways. The Association for the Support of Contemporary Living was faced with a tax bill of 4 million lira.

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