Bild: Mehmet Şimşek has asked Germany for assistance
One of Germany’s leading newspapers, Bild, reports that Deputy Prime-Minister with Responsibility for the Economy, Mehmet Şimşek, has sought assistance from Germany to revive the Turkish economy.
According to a report by DW Turkish entitled, ‘Turkey seeks economic support from Germany again,’ Şimşek said, ‘I think the time must come for relations to return to normal.’
The report claims that Şimşek, noting that means by which the Turkish economy could be revived were taken up at the G20 meeting in Washington, said, ‘We need Germany for this.’
Support for Turkey hit problems
German Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble stated that he had been conducting negotiations with his Turkish colleague Şimşek over economic support for Turkey prior to the detention of journalist Deniz Yücel, but said, ‘The negotiations were going well. But, then, the detention came. This made the situation extremely difficult.’
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