Efforts at the top to keep its name clean... The rift over the constitution grows in the MHP
MHP MP Kadir Koçdemir, who has announced his intention to vote against the proposed constitutional amendment drafted in partnership by the AKP-MHP, has been accused of having Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organisation connections. His resignation was demanded last week.

It has emerged that one week ago, without making any explanation, MHP Headquarters demanded the resignation of Bursa MP Kadir Koçdemir, who has been signalling his intention to vote against the proposed constitutional amendment. The reason for Headquarters demanding his resignation is alleged to be ‘a file forwarded to the party concerning him.’ Koçdemir, for his part, posted a comment on his official Twitter account in which he described the constitutional proposal as ‘tyranny.’
The Koçdemir rift in the MHP is gradually deepening. Koçdemir, who was not part of the ‘opposition’ wing in the lead up to the MHP’s extraordinary congress prior to 15 July, harshly criticised the proposed constitutional amendment in a post he made on his official Twitter account the day before yesterday and signalled his intention to vote against it when the proposal is submitted to the general assembly of parliament. Koçdemir continued with his comments about the proposal yesterday.
Koçdemir left the following attention-grabbing announcement on his official Twitter account:
‘The proposal is a bad and inconsistent text to the extent that it defies discussion in constitutional law technique terms. After the proposed change it will be very hard to speak of a system in Turkey. The distinguishing feature of modern democracy is the will of the majority coming about within the law. The proposal eliminates this. The name of majoritarian rule in the absence of the rule of law is tyranny. Only with the separation of powers and particularly the independence of the judiciary can democracy be spoken of. The proposal ends the separation of powers and democracy. It has been two centuries since the world said farewell to such systems of governance.’
Resignation demanded
Meanwhile, it has emerged that last week MHP Headquarters demanded Koçdemir’s resignation. After a file containing various pieces of information came into the hands of MHP General Chair Devlet Bahçeli, Koçdemir was placed under surveillance.
After Koçdemir began to share the concerns he felt over the constitutional amendment within his own circle and lobby over them in parliament, Bahçeli, who had spoken of ‘Purging the Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organisation people in our midst’ in the aftermath of 15 July, went into action. One deputy general chair came to parliament last week and private discussions were held on two occasions. Koçdemir, imparting his thoughts to the deputy general chair who had inquired as to his intentions, commented, ‘If we vote “yes” to this proposal, what will we say to our children; how will we look them in the face?’ In response to this, Koçdemir was told, ‘If you do not approve of this policy of headquarters, resign. This is the correct thing.’
Sleeping cell
Headquarters has confirmed reports that Koçdemir’s resignation had been demanded by headquarters before he posted the tweet. A senior official from the MHP has alleged with reference to Koçdemir, ‘He is one of the MPs with secret leanings in our midst.’

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