Kılıçdaroğlu tells of promise made on Palace visit

CHP General Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, addressing his party’s Ankara congress, said, despite being promised that there would be a holding to account over the soldiers lynched on the bridge during the coup attempt, it has been covered up with a decree with the force of law. Kılıçdaroğlu said they would take Ankara Municipality.

Kılıçdaroğlu tells of promise made on Palace visit
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Yayınlanma: 07.01.2018 - 16:47

CHP General Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu addressed his party’s Ankara congress. Kılıçdaroğlu commented on the removal from office of his party’s Beşiktaş Mayor Murat Hazinedar saying, “The government wishes to take the debate in a different direction by removing our mayors from office. Nobody will drag us away from Turkey’s burning issues.” The CHP leader, telling the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors, “Do not turn the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors into the Palace’s Committee of Judges,” responded to Erdoğan's retort to those objecting to the latest decree with the force of law, “They have got into Kılıçdaroğlu's caique,” saying, “And is there a caique left that you have not got into? Our caique is the SS Bandırma.”

The key points from CHP General Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s speech:

“The government wishes to take the debate in a different direction by removing our mayors from office. Nobody will drag us away from Turkey’s burning issues.

There was no sub-contracted workers problem before we spoke of it. It was the CHP that brought the sub-contracted workers problem onto the agenda. We said the minimum wage should be 2,000 lira. They put it up a bit but did not make it 2,000 lira. What those on the minimum wage get is 1,709 lira. Let’s see you support your household with this money. But, they live in palaces. They have broken away from the people. If you cannot make ends meet on 15,000 lira with no expenses at all, how is a three-child family to get by on 1,709 lira? You should set out and explain this. There is no business here for those who are fixated on the party’s internal problems. The party has no need for gossip. We don’t want those who do this here.”


“We brought truck drivers’ problems onto the agenda. They speak of carrying worries not cargos. They buy the world’s most expensive diesel. When I mentioned truck drivers’ problems, Binali Yıldırım said, ‘All truck drivers are satisfied with life.’ Let’s ask truck drivers, shall we, ‘Are you satisfied with your lives?’ If you are, Binali Yıldırım is there, go and support him.”


“Retired people who you have reduced to the state of avoiding their grandchildren at festivals. You should go and tell retired people, ‘You cannot get by on that money.’ There needs to be a sitting down and thinking about all the retired. Our word is our bond. We will give retired people a double pension bonus at Ramadan and Sacrifice Festivals. Let no one have worries.”


Kılıçdaroğlu, stating that he was addressing those on the minimum wage, commented, “For as long as you are on the minimum wage, the ruling party will regard you like a slave. If you want to live like a human, the address for you is clear. The name of that address is the CHP. That is, the party of rights, honest endeavour and labour. It is the CHP. It is no easy matter to be part of the CHP. It is no commonplace matter. It means being a person who assumes responsibility and awareness vis a vis their country and people. Gossip – “Ali or Veli did so-and-so” – the CHP is not the forum or place of duty for this. If my neighbour is hungry I cannot go to bed on a full stomach. Certain people have been wronged and have been unjustly detained. Being part of the CHP is to resist in the face of injustice. Being part of the CHP means fighting and standing alongside those who are in the right.”


“We must call to account for the private, absolutely free from all sin, whose throat was cut on 15 July. You issue as many decrees with the force of law as you like, do as you will, we the CHP will not take a step back. Members of parliament are in jail. Why? The Constitutional Court has surrendered to pressure. The Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors has surrendered to pressure. I caution the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors not to make midnight changes of judges. If you do so, you betray democracy. You may be gifted with a post, but you must defend justice. Do not turn the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors into the Palace’s Committee of Judges.

They imagine there to be shoeboxes at my home. They investigated my family tree. You cannot find even a pinhead.”


“The 20 July decree with the force of law coup was staged in the aftermath of the 15 July coup attempt. When I went to the palace, they promised me. They said there would be a holding to account of those who lynched privates who had no knowledge of anything just following their superiors’ orders. But, under the latest decree with the force of law, they have covered this up. You issue as many decrees with the force of law as you like, we the CHP will not take a step back over defending democracy. They should come out and apologise for the 11,000 Bylock victims and the Ergenekon and Sledgehammer victims.”


“They tell people not to get into Kılıçdaroğlu's caique. And is there a caique left that you have not got into? Our caique is the SS Bandırma.”


“Arms were sent to Syria with the intelligence agency lorries that are public knowledge. Let’s see what Mehmet Barlas writes. He says, ‘We made the same mistake in the support we gave to terrorist organisations in Syria, calling them opposition groups.’ There is a ruling party that supports terrorist organisations in Syria. A pro-regime scribe says so. He says, ‘Regarding the Assad regime as if it were our domestic issue...’ Mr Barlas has hit the nail on the head. He will also criticise me for saying this. But, the truth is the truth. It is stated in one of their own trusted newspapers that support was given to a terrorist organisation. I thank him.”


“Kılıçdaroğlu, calling out to party members, said, “In local government, we will take, above all Ankara and Istanbul, and Balıkesir, Bursa, Antalya, Mersin, Adana and Denizli. Let no one have any worries. We will not memorise a few lines and head off to coffee houses. We will solve the subcontracted workers and farmers’ problems.”

Kılıçdaroğlu, saying, “Those of our people to be chosen will have a goal,” commented, “The first goal – we will take Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. Taking this place will mean transferring resources to the people in the countryside. It will mean leaving no one hungry and abandoned. Taking Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is thus no commonplace event. Taking Metropolitan Ankara means giving account for every cent Ankarans pay. May our holy war be blessed.”


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