Revelation that the IS bombers were known and their phones even tapped
It has been revealed that there was knowledge of the planners and bombers, two months in advance, of the 2015 Suruç Massacre and, five months in advance, of the 10 October Ankara Massacre, and their communications were even intercepted.

A document remitted to Adıyaman Serious Crime Court No 1 has led to the outbreak of a scandal around the IS massacres. The document with the investigation number 37-26 dated 08.05.2015 compiled by Adıyaman Republic Chief Prosecution reveals that the organisers and bombers of the Suruç and Ankara massacres were known.
The IS bombers had apparently been placed under surveillance
According to a report by Erk Acarer of BirGün newspaper, a scandalous document has emerged prior to the seventh hearing on 22-23 December into the 10 October Ankara massacre. It appears from this document that Mustafa Dokumacı, who opened the Islam Tea House that trained bombers, Yunus Emre, one of the Ankara suicide bombers, along with Ahmet Berk, Aziz Parlak, Ersin Koç and Hacı Yusuf Kızılbay as well as potential bomber Kasım Dere and another potential bomber Mahmut Gazi Tatar had been placed under surveillance by Adıyaman Republic Chief Prosecution.
According to the document, Adıyaman Republic Chief Prosecution provided the following information about IS activities in Adıyaman: “Since information was acquired that jihad was broached as a topic in conversations and meetings that were held in an organised manner on specific days of the week in Adıyaman province centre, they declared our country’s constitutional structure to be takfir or infidel by describing our country as being a land of war or being in a state of idolatry, they performed prayer behind officially serving prayer leaders, they organised various home meetings in parallel with notification activities aimed at supplying personnel to regions of conflict in the country of Syria and they exploited the religious sentiments of young people at these meetings, and, additionally, that these people may take action in our country;
Their phones were even tapped
it has been ascertained that application has been made in the public name for the rendering of a decision for data to be identified, intercepted and recorded and for signal information to be analysed for a period of two months pursuant to Article 135 of the Code of Criminal Procedure number 5271 with reference to the mobile telephones used by unknown persons who are suspected of participation in armed terrorist organisations whose precise identification and address particulars have been entered for the purpose of circumventing potential acts that may occur in Adıyaman province centre and also identifying activists who join groups of combatants in the country of Syria...”
The following information is contained in the lines referring to the manner in which Adıyaman Republic Chief Prosecution thus intercepted the communications of and relations between the militants who were planning the massacres:
“The application in which, on examination of the application file and in consideration of the police force report that the offence of which suspects were charged was committed, the individuals’ information forms and the entire application in file form, there exists strong suspicion of guilt and in which no other means for acquiring evidence exists was approved by this court and the following interception order was passed.”
Accordingly, communications of the organisation member named Mustafa Dokumacı, who turned Adıyaman into an IS bomb centre and bomber unit, were intercepted along with those of the other suspects and information was detected about the potential bombers Kasım Dere and Mahmut Gazi Dündar. On the other hand, Yunus Emre Alagöz was also among those whose communications were intercepted. It is noteworthy that, although the communications of Yunus Emre Alagöz, known to have been the Suruç bomber, were intercepted, nothing was done. The interception recordings are also annexed to the document.

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