Shock "Cerrah" confession in the Hrant Dink trial
Shock confession in the Hrant Dink trial. Ramazan Akyürek claimed that Istanbul Police Chief at the time, Celalettin Cerrah, wanted the “action that will create uproar” letter sent from Trabzon to İstanbul to be destroyed.
In the trial with 35 accused, two of whom are in remand, in which public servants are charged in connection with the murder of Agos Newspaper General Publishing Manager Hrant Dink, Ramazan Akyürek, former Intelligence Branch Chief at the time, said, “There was only one thing that was requested of me. Celalettin Cerrah wanted me to destroy the letter of 17 February (the letter about the action that would create uproar sent from Trabzon to Istanbul).”
Celalettin Cerrah, taking the stand in response, said, “I have been a civil servant for 45 years. This is the first time I have encountered an accusation of this kind. As his senior, he has hurt me. He has been in prison for two years and I think that he has become psychologically unbalanced. I make a criminal complaint against him.”
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