AKP’s comment on the arrested Medical Association of Turkey members
AKP Spokesperson Mahir Ünal said with reference to the arrest of the Medical Association of Turkey member doctors, “This a decision that was taken entirely by the judiciary, by the relevant prosecutor and court. The judicial process has started and it would not be correct for us to make various observations on the matter.”
AKP Deputy General Chair and Party Spokesperson, Mahir Ünal, said it would not be correct to speak about the Medical Association of Turkey members who had opposed the operation targeting Afrin proclaiming, “War is a popular health issue” and had been arrested in raids staged on their homes
The following replies ensued from questions posed to Ünal by NTV’s Ankara Intelligence Supervisor Ahmet Ergen:
This, naturally enough, is the inevitable point to which this process that has been going on for the last seven years – we have a 910-kilometre border with Syria – right on our border for seven years has in fact brought us. There is a corridor that it is wished to create there. It is an operation to cleanse the terrorism revolving around the YPG that has in particular set itself up in Afrin. This is not an attack targeting Syrian territory. Here, domestically, it is unfortunately necessary to speak about the way the issue is being treated and the position the main opposition has taken over the issue that is a national security issue. Politics must support this process. The main opposition’s attitude is most distressing. Especially Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's statements. The Turkish army is not under the orders of a political party. The mechanism of the state is operated by the political will that represents the nation with the nation’s approval. If the CHP comes to power tomorrow, then the CHP will operate the mechanism of state. The national will operates the mechanism of state.
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