Demirtaş: Ballot box moving to keep HDP below threshold
The HDP’s detained presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtaş said, “We do not consent to a possibility whereby the HDP is unable to surmount the threshold, because this will be a huge injustice, not just to HDP voters, but to everyone who sides with democracy in Turkey.”
HDP presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtaş, who is waging his election campaign from the prison where he is in detention, gave written replies via his lawyer to questions from Banu Güven of DW Turkish. Demirtaş, stressing that the electoral contest was being conducted under unfair conditions, said, “The AKP’s civil service administrators have applied to the Supreme Election Council to move voters virtually equivalent to a whole sub-province in the Kurdish provinces.”
However, Demirtaş, stating that the HDP would not remain below the threshold and may manage to surpass 7 June, also complained about Europe’s attitude.
Demirtaş, saying that his detention was entirely a political decision, commented, “If the law were applied and the judiciary acted independently, I would be released. But, there is no such atmosphere at this stage. The judiciary is under an intense political tutelage. However, the grounds for holding us in detention here are so weak that following a certain point the pressure on the judiciary may not even suffice to keep us here. And, at this point, the struggle that the people itself wages for its freedom will be decisive. The judiciary can only act independently and fairly at that time.” Demirtaş’s comments were as follow:
“There is an impression that the HDP and I are not contesting the elections”
When you look at the Television and Radio Corporation and mainstream media, you gain the impression that the HDP and I are not contesting the elections. Unfortunately, the situation of the media is pitiful. Acting as if the representative of one section of society did not exist and treating the rest of the opposition like step-children is shameful. I realise they are under pressure, but at such important times for our future, it is inexplicable for them to behave as if nothing were wrong or, most of the time, act as an adjunct to the regime. We are engaging in various kinds of correspondence to exercise my right to make an electoral address on the Television and Radio Corporation. But the ignoring until now of my right to hold rallies, campaign face-to-face with my voters and make my voice heard inspires doubt as to whether anything different will emerge regarding the Television and Radio Corporation.
Both my party and I will surpass not just the thresholds, but ourselves. This is my heartfelt conviction. There is great excitement and enthusiasm among voters. I can even feel this on the inside. It is possible for us to attain results that exceed the 7 June 2015 elections.
The AKP is moving voters in the Kurdish provinces"
The prospect exists of us remaining below the threshold in an illegitimate election in which breaches and irregularities are flagrant. We see that preparations are being made for this as of now. The AKP’s civil service administrators are applying every day to the Supreme Election Council to move voters virtually equivalent to a whole sub-province in the Kurdish provinces. My party is making the necessary applications and endeavours to prevent plans of this nature. We do not consent to a possibility whereby the HDP is unable to surmount the threshold, because this will be a huge injustice, not just to HDP voters, but to everyone who sides with democracy in Turkey.
Demirtaş: Sandık taşımalar HDP'yi baraj altında bırakmak için
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