No and Beyond releases election report: Dead citizens’ votes were cast

The report released by No and Beyond into the 16 April referendum has brought a scandal to light. Included in the report is the finding that a vote was cast at ballot box number 2179 in Eyyübiye sub-province for the citizen named E.E. who passed away in Urfa on 31 March 2017.

No and Beyond releases election report: Dead citizens’ votes were cast
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Yayınlanma: 25.04.2017 - 16:49

Here are the key points from No and Beyond’s press conference:

Following the events of the evening of 16 April, we realised that our job had not ended, or indeed had restarted. There are many abnormalities in the poll. In 2010, Gülen said, ‘Get people out of graves and get them to vote “yes”.’ We have also established that the votes of dead people were cast in this referendum. We have established that more votes were cast than there were voters at some ballot boxes. A vote was cast on 16 April for the citizen named E.E. who passed away in Urfa’s Eyyübiye on 31 March.

At certain ballot boxes, opposition votes in excess of 180 on 7 June and 1 November vanished on 16 April. The Supreme Election Council breached the rule that, ‘unstamped votes are invalid.’ The examples purporting to show that it has happened before were on an individual level. In these cases, four or five votes were not stamped. Millions of votes were unstamped. This is to the pave the way for all kinds of impropriety.

In some places, ‘spare voting slips’ were involved in place of citizens who did not go to vote. Telephone calls poured in from Muş and Urfa. People say they were removed from the ballot box area while votes were being counted.

The annulment of the 16 April 2017 Constitutional Amendment Referendum is an unavoidable necessity in legal terms. The rule that ‘procedure comes before the merits’ was annihilated with the casting of unstamped votes. This is murder of the law.

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