Targeted then burnt
The Müjdat Gezen Arts Centre, for some time targeted by Akit newspaper and Burhan Kuzu, fell victim to an arson attack last night. Müjdat Gezen said, ‘The fire they started was extinguished in five minutes.
But, it is impossible to extinguish the love of the Republic and the spirit of Atatürk within us. The government gave them free rein. It told them there was no law, judiciary or statute so go ahead and do it. This incident amounts to intimidation of ‘No’ supporters in the referendum.’
Students of the Müjdat Gezen Arts Centre wept unconsolably as if one of their close relatives had died. Their teachers, on the other hand, called out to them: ‘You need to know that there are those in this world who do not want theatre, music, literature and dance. They are the dark face of the earth, while you are its enlightened face.’
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