The AKP is heading towards despotism SUFFERING TURNED TO THEIR ADVANTAGE
The first round of debate over the constitutional amendment that will usher in regime change was completed at jet speed, with no heed paid to warnings about democracy.
With three articles normally being approved per day in the debate over the constitution, the day before yesterday the AKP exploited the reluctance of the MHP group’s Saffet Sancaklı to make a speech due to his wife having attempted suicide, and the HDP’s non-participation in the business in protest at the penalty awarded to Garo Paylan, to pass five articles through parliament. The AKP did not even grant breaks despite objections and kept MPs in parliament for 16 hours.
The first round in deliberations over the proposed constitutional amendment that was submitted to parliament one month ago and was debated for 100 hours in the commission and 90 hours in the general assembly came to an end yesterday with the final two articles that were approved yesterday. The CHP’s Levent Gök said, ‘They crammed business that should be spread out over one month into one week.’ The second round of voting will commence on Wednesday.
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