There exists no Supreme Election Council resolution
By Çiğdem Toker

I was out and about on Sunday.
I accompanied some young friends who were participating in the Ankara Bar Association’s ‘A Lawyer in every School’ project and were acting as voluntary witnesses.
I watched them.
From six in the morning until late in the evening they ran to and fro, monitoring the voting, counting and listing procedures and made every effort to get the records bearing wet signatures.
It was most instructive above all to see the polling committees that had been left to their own devices in Ankara’s ‘interior’ villages. At some places, never mind the witness from the main opposition party, the members that by statute should be on the polling committee were not even included.
(According to the Voting Law, the polling committee is to consist of seven people, but it deems four to be sufficient to enable it to perform its duties.)
When evening came and the results were announced, one of them said:
‘I don’t remember even once going to bed happy as a kid on election evenings. I always saw my dad sulking in front of the television. I got involved this time in the hope the result would change but this was not to be, yet again.’
He was sad. I told him that my mum and dad had voted ‘No’ in the 82 constitutional referendum that had been put to the people under the all-prevailing duress and knowing this is very important to me.
I said, ‘Tomorrow, your kids will also feel pride in you for not having to bowed to the lawlessness and injustice that was imposed under such duress.’ His face appeared to brighten up. Never forget. Let it never be forgotten.
In this era in which it takes courage to stand in the right place, a full 23.5 million people said ‘No’.
Not a resolution but a fait accompli
So, 51% ‘Yes’?
As if an unequal campaign under a state of emergency regime with the prisons filled to bursting point, in which ‘No’ supporters were cowed with threats and beatings and state resources were used to the limit for propaganda purposes, were not enough, the Supreme Election Council was also brought into play on polling day.
I did not mention a Supreme Election Council resolution. Because there exists no resolution. There is just an announcement it made.
Supreme Election Council Chair Sadi Güven is not speaking with convincing clarity. Why?
Yes, the last resolution that appears in Supreme Election Council records is resolution number 559, and it bears the signatures of eleven people: Chair Güven, the deputy chair and nine members.
Yes, a great deal is said about voting slips in this two page resolution.
But, among all the discussion there is no wording along the lines: ‘slips and envelopes that do not bear the polling committee’s stamp will be deemed valid unless it is proven that they were cast having been brought from outside.’
This particular wording does not appear anywhere in the resolution.
I wonder why. Could the members apart from Chair Güven have been unwilling to sign this decision?
Or is there is huge scandal?
Or is the scandal even huger that suspected?
In an event of such vital importance that will shape the country and society’s future claims of fraud are being raised of such a nature that, to use an old saying, ‘talk of it is worse than it coming to fruition.’
One claim has it that unstamped watermarked voting slips previously obtained from the Supreme Election Council were stamped as ‘Yes’ votes and distributed within AKP sub-province organisations with the request that these be used to replace voting slips bearing polling committee stamps on the Sunday.
Those making the claim speak of the people who took the stamped slips to sub-provinces being paid. What is flushing out these claims? Of course, the appearance of suspicion that stamped slips were replaced with the pre-prepared unstamped slips.
President Erdoğan said in his speech on Sunday evening that, ‘The one has taken the horse has made it past Üsküdar.’
Is the President implying with these words that, ‘Even if you object, the result will not change?’
Let us recall that ‘No’ prevailed in Üsküdar and, by way of metaphor, the horse has not passed Üsküdar, and let us call out to the Supreme Election Council from here:
Your comment about unstamped voting slips was not a resolution but a fait accompli.
By means of this implementation that had not been resolved on, you appear to be in breach of Article 101 of the statute to which you are subject.
Until you make the number of unstamped votes public, the stain will not be removed from this referendum.

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