Three women march for life

Dilek Taş, Hülya Kurt and Nursel Karagöz have embarked on a march from Çanakkale to Ankara to draw attention to the abuse of and violence against children and women, animal rape and the massacre of nature.

Three women march for life
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Yayınlanma: 04.03.2018 - 14:11

Çanakkale residents Dilek Taş (46) and Hülya Kurt (43) together with Kocaeli resident Nursel Karagöz (46) have set out on a march to Ankara to draw attention to the abuse of and violence against children and women, animal rape and the massacre of nature taking place in Turkey. Taş, Kurt and Karagöz, who have set out on the road with a nine-point petition they have drawn up, will submit it to parliament with the signatures they collect on the road over forty days. Dilek Taş, who is married and the mother of one child and is from the Ahmetçe village belonging to Çanakkale’s Ayvacık sub-province, Hülya Kurt, the mother of three children from Biga sub-province, and Kocaeli resident Nursel Karagöz, who is married and the mother of three children, congregated yesterday morning in Cumhuriyet Square. Çanakkale Mayor, the CHP’s Ülgür Gökhan, and a large number of women gave their support to the three women. Dilek Taş, making a statement on behalf of the group, spoke as follows, “We do not want the shadow of any political party to fall on the road on which we as three mothers, three women and three people have embarked. This is a civil movement. We know that motherhood, womanhood and pain can have no colour, language, race, religion and politics. Pain is shared. The human body can at most withstand 45 dels of pain. Yet, a woman suffers up to 57 dels while giving birth. This is equivalent to the simultaneous breaking of twenty of your bones. We as women have borne this pain and have been rewarded with wonderful happiness as a result. We will now march all together for our children, for animals and for nature.”

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