Gone before it reaches the pocket
The increase in the dollar has clawed back the increases made to the minimum wage and civil servants’ and workers’ pay.
With the dollar exchange rate having risen 5.5% since the turn of the year, the wage increases given both to those on the minimum wage and also to civil servants and workers have been clawed back by this increase. Two-thirds of the increase in the minimum wage has vanished through increases in the exchange rate before even reaching the worker’s pocket.
The minimum wage of 1,404 lira amounted to 397.5 dollars on the date it was set. The increase in the exchange rate has reduced it to 376.7 dollars. With the passing of two weeks, the minimum wage earner has lost 20.8 dollars, that is 77.5 lira. A teacher’s salary has also shed 74.5 lira thanks to the change in the exchange rate.
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