Vital warning from Nuriye and Semih’s lawyer

Nuriye and Semih’s lawyer, having visited than in Sincan Prison, has noted that they are in a critical state and could suffer heart failure at any moment, and has said that their demands must be met immediately.

Vital warning from Nuriye and Semih’s lawyer
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Yayınlanma: 13.06.2017 - 14:16

Engin Gökoğlu, lawyer of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça who have been on hunger strike for 97 days in a bid to return to their jobs, has said that the educationalists could suffer heart failure at any moment and their demands must be met immediately.

According to a report in Evrensel, lawyer Engin Gökoğlu, having visited Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça in Sincan Prison, noted that Nuriye Gülmen was now attending visits in a wheelchair and indicated that they are now in a much more critical state.

Gökoğlu, noting the Gülmen had an issue with vitamin B1 and was not being supplied with vitamin B1 on the date of his visit, stated that her forgetfulness was increasing due to this.

Gökoğlu, recalling that those occupying the same call as Gülmen and those accompanying her have been sentenced to cell confinement in punishment for ‘shouting slogans,’ stressed that if the punishment is approved Gülmen will be left on her own. Gökoğlu, noting that Gülmen is rapidly losing weight, also imparted that a restriction had been placed on the books that Gülmen has requested to prepare her defence.

‘Their demands must be met immediately’

Gökoğlu, saying that Semih Özakça is currently walking to attend visits, pointed out that Özakça was also continuing to lose weight if not to the same extent as Gülmen. Their lawyer, noting that they had solved Özakça’s vitamin B1 problem, said they were both in a critical condition. Gökoğlu noted that their demands were very simple and stressed that Gülmen and Özakça could suffer heart failure at any moment and their demands must be met immediately.

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